Monday, April 27, 2015

Intensive shadow speaking practice

Ted Talk by Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness
How we use material to practice non-native language
This Ted Talk is what I chose to practice as a tool of shadow speaking practice.
I was assigned to do 5 ways of doing this in this week and I tried those 5 methods : Listen/Whisper, Listen/Repeat, Listen/Shadow Read, Listen/Record, Do as I pleased. I believe that the best way I do for this practice is both Listen/Whisper and Listen/Shadow Read. The first time I listen to it and try to copy the way he speaks such as intonation, accent, flow, and rythm. Whisper what he said is good way for the first time. Then, if I get used to his speaking, I do the shadow read way. Record and listen is needed at the end of this stage to get feedback on my own.
In conclusion, I found out myself that it is really interesting and useful way when I want to learn native speaker's pronunciation and flow of speech. Therefore, recommend we keep doing this practice, also, have one native speaker as a target.
As the saying goes, practice makes me perfect.
Sum up
My way to do it :
1) Listen and whisper 
2) Listen and shadow read
3) Record it and Listen it
Source Video : Youtube

Sunday, April 19, 2015


 I am going to introduce what kind of project I am planning to do for the rest of this semester. Does anyone like Korea baseball league rather than MLB? If yes, you will find a very interesting things in my blog. Korea basball league has 10 teams including KT, a newbie joined in this year. I am really big fan of Korea baseball and love to watch baseball at ballpark. There are lots of crazy fans, cheering so passionately and cheering songs are really crative and fun. That's reason why I like going to ballpark to enjoy a game. Especially, I am NC Dinos's fan because of its hometown as me. So, I am going to blog and report NC's game. Moreover, I will post the top 5 plays from an amazing week such as nice catches, hits, and plays. In case I am in the ballpark, you can hear it right from ballpark such as atmosphere, cheering, and interview of fans. 

lastest team standing updated 04.20.2015